

ログインユーザーの皆さまには、個人設定より、Oasisスキン (Fandom Wiki) やHydraスキン (Gamepedia Wiki) からFandomDesktopスキンにご変更いただけるようになりました。Wiki上部に表示されるお知らせからも、ご変更いただけます。また、個人設定より元に戻すことも可能です。[1]

Wikiの管理者 (アドミン) の皆さまには、FandomDesktopスキンに切り替えて新しいテーマデザイナーからFandomDesktopのテーマを設定していただくなど、ヘルプ:FandomDesktop/準備ガイドをご覧いただき、FandomDesktopスキンに完全移行する2021年夏までに移行準備を進めていただきたく、よろしくお願いいたします。



FandomとGamepediaでは、統合型コミュニティ・プラットフォームへの移行に続き、統合カスタマー・エクスペリエンス (体験価値) (Unified Customer Experience, UCX) への取り組みを進めております。 このプロジェクトの一環である、新しいデザインのFandom/Gamepedia統合のデスクトップスキン (UCXデスクトップスキン) が、FandomDesktopです。


FandomDesktop is the new design of the user interface for Fandom wikis (including formerly Gamepedia wikis) and Wikia.org wikis. Previously known as Phase 2 of the Unified Community Platform (UCP), this work was announced in early 2020 at Community Connect and in a subsequent blog post.

It replaces Oasis, Hydra, HydraDark, and remaining unique interfaces from select Gamepedia wikis. Those user interfaces will be retired once the FandomDesktop rollout is complete.

While FandomDesktop has a number of new and adapted features from our legacy interfaces, the big ones we’re really excited for are light and dark themes, multiple width options (with preferences), the right rail being dismissible for logged-in users, the new ThemeDesigner, and the pinned local navigation when you scroll.

The opt-in period for editors and administrators to test FandomDesktop and configure their wiki themes began on June 1, 2021. The search engine optimization (SEO) test, involving 300+ wikis coordinated with the Community team’s special support, began the week of June 14, 2021.

The first normal rollouts, bringing FandomDesktop as the default experience for wikis as a whole, are scheduled to begin the week of June 28, 2021. These rollouts will occur in batches.

Wikis which have not yet taken the time to apply custom theming on FandomDesktop will have their themes automatically converted for them, according to the same logic as the Theme Designer import feature, at the time of their wiki’s rollout. Gamepedia wikis will get special support for theme transfers, as they do not have existing Theme Designer data to import.

With the UCP and the Unified Consumer Experience (FandomMobile and FandomDesktop) rolled out, we have built the foundation upon which new features, content types, creator tools, extensions, and more can be developed by our teams.




  1. リリースに関する詳細は英語版ブログをご覧ください。
  2. 新しいカスタマイゼーション・ポリシーの詳細は英語版ブログをご覧ください。


If you need help with FandomDesktop, there are some options for you:

  • Contact your assigned Wiki Representative, if your wiki has one
  • Visit our Official Discord Server and chat with fellow editors, admins, contractors, and staff in the #ucx channel
  • File a bug report with our support team
  • Visit the technical support section of Community Central’s Discussions

