
原文 : w:Help:Vanguard
Note: The Vanguard team is no longer active, as of January 31, 2022.

ヴァンガード (Vanguard) は、Fandomのコンテンツを表示機器を超えた広い範囲で利用可能できるようにするための、ボランティアのFandomユーザーによるグループです。ヴァンガードのメンバーは、英語版 Portability Hubポータビリティを高めるために活動しています。このために、ヴァンガードユーザーはFandomのインターフェースを編集できる追加の権限を持っており、全てのWikiでMediaWiki名前空間とテンプレート名前空間の編集を行うことができます。

Beyond portability, some Vanguard teams were focused on other technical challenges, and were knowledgeable in areas such as scripting, Search Engine Optimization, design and user experience. They were often among the first to try new products that Fandom develops to be able to facilitate and educate on the new products' uses.

Want more historical info? You can read more about the goals of the portability project or even learn how you could have joined Vanguard.


How to join Vanguard[]

Vanguard were selected and invited by Fandom Staff. It was not a position you could request. It served no purpose asking staff or Vanguard members to be given the rights, as such requests were ignored.


Vanguard could fully access Template and MediaWiki namespaces, Admin Dashboard and Theme Designer across all of Fandom. Additional abilities allowed editing protected pages or changing a page's content model and protection. They did not replace or "outrank" your local administrators, and Vanguard team members were making every effort to consult with your active and engaged local team.

