
Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie) secretly known as (Padmé Naberrie Skywalker or Padmé Amidala Skywalker) would serve as the Queen of Naboo from 32 BBY to 24 BBY and as Senator from Naboo from 24 BBY to 19 BBY in the Star Wars universe. She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrietar , Later in her life, Padmé became the secret wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker, and Leia Skywalker Solo, the grandmother of Jaina, Jacen, Anakin Solo, and Ben Skywalker, the great-grandmother of Allana Solo, and the ancestor of Nat, Kol, Cade Skywalker, and Ania Solo.


Padmé took to heart the lessons of self-sacrifice that had been taught her by her parents, and throughout her life she continued to do what was best for her people and the Republic she believed in, without thought of herself. Her sister sometimes scolded her for this attitude. She rarely gave in to personal desires, such as at a young age denying Ian Lago her affection, saying that Naboo needed her more than he did. She was compassionate, always considering other people before herself, and she stood firm in what she believed in. She was also a persuasive and extremely empathetic speaker, as evidenced by her speeches as a Senator, particularly when she opposed the escalating violence of the Clone Wars. She was even willing to doubt the Republic in its later years, because of how far it had fallen short of its duty. It was partly because of her firm belief in democracy and her genuine care for her people that her election for Queen of Naboo was a landslide. Unable to deny her people's need, she accepted Queen Jamillia's invitation to become Senator after her two terms as Queen ended. She was obviously well-loved by her people, as she still kept several privileges usually restricted to the monarch of Naboo during her time as a Senator, such as allowing her ships to be chrome-plated. Padmé matured quickly, as evidenced by her quick rise to political heights at a very young age, reaching Queen at only sixteen years of age. Though responsible, she was a strong-willed person, who continued to do what she believed to be correct and right despite those closest to her standing against her. She followed her own instincts in pleading to the Senate for help as Queen, and to return to Naboo afterwards to strike out on a limb to unite with the Gungans. She also refused heightened security, even after blatant attacks on her life during her time as Senator, going so far as to cover security cameras. Though her security's fears were proven true time and again, Padmé was still loathe to leave during the vote on the Military Creation Act, and only an order from the Supreme Chancellor could make her concede.

Her strong will and self-restraint were proven again when she firmly told herself and Anakin that a relationship between them would go nowhere and would endanger both of their futures. She saw how difficult it would be, and how much it had the potential to ruin their lives, and, though it was difficult for her to accept, she attempted to force Anakin to see it as well. However, when she believed she was about to die, she saw no harm in admitting her true feelings, believing that they could not come to pass. However, when they survived their 'execution,' she and Anakin could no longer deny their love. Despite this she still tried to keep her relationship with Anakin a secret, even after they were married. Even then, she remained loyal as a Senator to her people, and continually urged Anakin to stay loyal to the Order, even when, at times, he wanted to refuse an order because of the long periods of time away from her. Though pained by the long separations they had to endure, Amidala kept strong for them both, knowing the great burden placed on both of their shoulders. She believed strongly in Anakin, and when she heard of his exploits during the Clone Wars, she was enthralled, though she remained worried for his safety. Her belief in him became even more evident when she began to believe him over the Jedi Order when he told of their manipulations of him to use him as a spy for their own purposes. She was reluctant even to believe Obi-Wan, a close friend of theirs, when he told her of Anakin's dark deeds. Partly to reassure herself that what he had said was not true, she traveled to Mustafar to ask Skywalker herself. When her husband confirmed her worst nightmares, she still refused to believe that he could not come back to the light and urged him to do so. Even at her death, Padmé continued to have faith in her husband, speaking of the good still in him though no one believed her at the time. Twenty-three years later, her son would come to share this belief, proven correct when Vader turned on his Master to save his son.

Though her marriage to Anakin was undoubtedly the closest of all her relationships, Padmé maintained a number of close friendships throughout her life. From her early days, Padmé was a favorite of Onaconda Farr, who served alongside her father in the Senate. Their relationship was so close that Padmé even referred to him as "Uncle Ono." This friendship only became strained at one point when Farr briefly joined the Separatist Alliance after despairing of Republic aid during a severe famine. Though Farr had Padmé imprisoned on the orders of Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation and Padmé's archenemy, Padmé forgave him wholeheartedly for his mistake and later defended his honor in front of Farr's Senatorial aide and murderer, Lolo Purs. Padmé's other close friends in the Galactic Senate included Bail Prestor Organa, who would eventually adopt her daughter, and Mon Mothma. They often worked alongside Padmé in peace efforts before and during the Clone Wars, though Organa and Mothma eventually became skeptical of the direction in which the Republic was headed under the control of Palpatine. Though Padmé was outspoken in her loyalty to the Republic, Mothma and Organa trusted her enough to invite her to secret meetings that proved to be the seed of the Rebel Alliance.

Padmé was loved by all her people for the interest she showed in their personal lives, no matter how menial their roles. Thus, it is no surprise that Padmé was quite close to her handmaidens and staff. During her reign as Queen of Naboo, Padmé selected a number of handmaidens alongside whom she had trained. These handmaidens assisted her in her personal life as a monarch and were her last line of defense in case of an emergency. As Queen, Padmé was particularly close to Sabé, who served as her double whenever the Queen was in extreme danger. They were so close, that Padmé and Sabé could communicate in the subtlest of phrases or glances. Sabé would later be enlisted by Bail Organa to train her former mistress's daughter. As a Senator, Padmé cut down on the number of handmaidens who attended her, though she still remained close to those she had. One of these handmaidens, Cordé, was killed in an explosion intended to put the Senator out of commission before an important vote. Padmé was grief-stricken at the loss of Cordé. Her only other handmaiden at the time, Dormé, remained unshaken by this loss and voluntarily doubled for Padmé when she fled into hiding on Naboo following a second assassination attempt. In fact, Dormé remained more concerned for Padmé than she did for her own safety. While staying with Anakin on Naboo, Padmé enlisted the help of a family friend, Teckla Minnau, who later served Padmé as handmaiden for a brief period of time during the Clone Wars. The last handmaiden to serve Padmé before her untimely death was Moteé. Moteé was one of the few privileged to know of Padmé's marriage as she helped the Senator dress appropriately to conceal her pregnancy. Padmé also developed decent friendships with her heads of security, Panaka and Typho. Though Typho developed a love interest in Padmé, the Senator never let their friendship go beyond a strictly professional level.

Both during her reign as Queen and her time serving as a Senator, Padmé presented herself as an advocate for the Gungans. Relationships between the human inhabitants of Naboo and the natives had always been tense, but during the invasion by the Trade Federation, Padmé managed to unite the two species against a common enemy. She and Gungan Boss Nass achieved a level of mutual respect, which she carried even for his successor, Boss Lyonie. Padmé also worked so that the unrepresented Gungans might have a say in the Galactic Senate. This goal was achieved when Jar Jar Binks became a representative of Naboo alongside Padmé. Eventually, Binks also became a Senator. During the Clone Wars, the Gungans continued to call on Padmé for aid when relations between them and the Naboo became somewhat unstable. Padmé was summoned when battle droids appeared once again on the planet and a mysterious plague instantly killed the Shaak of a Gungan herder named Peppi Bow. Later, Padmé was also sent to Otoh Gunga when Boss Lyonie began to stir up dissent among the Gungans while under the influence of Rish Loo. Ultimately, it was Padmé's constant care for the Gungans that turned the tide in the battle on Mon Calamari between the Mon Cala and the Quarren.

Unlike many Senators, Padmé also maintained close contact with her homeworld's ruling monarch. Queen Jamillia trusted Padmé's advice on the state of the Republic and helped hide the Senator from her assassins. During the Clone Wars Queen Neeyutnee turned to Padmé first in any situation of crisis. Apailana, the third Queen to follow Padmé, showed the Senator great respect for her contributions to her planet and to the galaxy.

Padmé had four major types of vehicles that belonged to her throughout her life, although she did use many others for special circumstances. The first one was the Naboo Royal Starship, while she was the Queen of Naboo. When she became Senator, she was given the J-type diplomatic barge, although chromed vehicles were usually reserved for Nubian royalty. However, this was destroyed by Zam Wesell in 22 BBY. Padmé borrowed a Nubian Yacht to travel to Tatooine with Anakin and later to Geonosis. This type of vessel was used interchangeably throughout the Clone Wars with her star skiff.

Padmé Amidala could read, write and speak Basic, Ithorese, Mon Calamarian, Gran, Gunganese, High Galactic, and Rodese. As a Queen, she received extensive martial training from Captain Panaka for use in self-defense. In combat, her weapon of choice was the sporting blaster ELG-3A blaster pistol.

Relationships with other people[]

Obi-Wan Kenobi[]



Anakin Skywalker[]

Anakin Skywalker was Padmé's husband.

Anakin had met the disguised Queen Padmé in his home of Mos Espa, where she passed off as a commoner named Padmé Naberrie. When he first met her, he initially asked her if she was an Angel. However, he also ended up distraught when discovering that she was actually the Queen, which he admitted to Obi-Wan while participating in Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral. After parting ways after the Battle of Theed, he continually thought of her, and his fascination grew for his bold and beautiful friend, who was four years his senior. They met again ten years later, and his fascination blossomed into love. After a hair-raising series of adventures together, she began to return his affection, and the two married as the Clone Wars begun. Although they saw each other rarely and had to work hard to keep their marriage a secret, Anakin was deeply in love and vowed to protect Padmé from the fate he could not save his mother from. In the end, his fear for Padmé, whom he believed would die in childbirth, ultimately turned him to the dark side, and after he incapacitated her on Mustafar, she lost the will to live but still believed that he could be redeemed, which her memory in Luke helped do.

With Padmé, Anakin had twin children, although he did not know of their existence until at least 19 years after they were born. Both were born at the secret base of Polis Massa, and their mother, Padmé, died shortly after their birth. Luke, the eldest of the two, was raised on the harsh desert planet of Tatooine (which, coincidentally, was also the home of Anakin Skywalker) by his father's step-brother, Owen Lars, and his wife Beru. He was to follow in his father's footsteps and become a respected Jedi. Leia was raised by the Royal Family of Alderaan in its capital, Aldera. She was given the name Leia Organa, which changed to Leia Skywalker when she found out, who her biological father was, later changed to Leia Skywalker Solo when she married. She would follow a similar path to her mother's, becoming a respected young Senator serving the galaxy, but also a leading member of the Rebel Alliance, which her mother helped to create. The two children were hidden from the Empire, the Emperor, their father and each other, not knowing of each other's existence until they were in their early twenties, and finding out they were related much later. In the end, both of them played a key role in defeating the Sith and the Empire, but it was Luke who ultimately redeemed Anakin Skywalker.

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