For All Mankind Wiki

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For All Mankind Wiki

Buzz Aldrin was an astronaut for NASA and part of the Apollo 11 mission. He was the third man on the Moon, following Alexei Leonov and Neil Armstrong respectively.


While the landing module Eagle had a rough landing, Aldrin and Armstrong safely landed but lost transmission with Michael Collins in orbit and Mission Control in Houston for over 4 hours. Eventually, they managed to re-establish communications and notify they had safely landed.[1]

Gene Kranz did not feel confident about Neil turning the LEM to a vertical position as it would cost them a lot of fuel. He told this to Wernher von Braun, but the latter was confident. Neil and Buzz were authorized to turn Eagle over, which they did by detaching the top part. They managed to fly again and reach Michael Collins, who was still waiting for them in the Command and Service Module in Moon's orbit.[2]

After Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin stayed at NASA and in 1974, he temporary replaced Deke Slayton as Chief of Astronaut Office after Deke assigned himself to the prime crew of Apollo 24.[3]


Behind the scenes[]

  • In real life, Buzz Aldrin first flew into space aboard Gemini 12W from November 11 to November 15, 1966, alongside fellow astronaut Jim LovellW. There, they rendezvoused their Gemini spacecraftW with the Agena target vehicleW (also known as the GATV or Gemini-Agena target vehicle), before Aldrin performed an EVA and conducted several experiments, proving that humans can indeed work in space, as well as taking the first space selfie.
  • Like in the show, he did fly alongside Neil ArmstrongW on Apollo 11W as LEM pilot from July 16 to July 24, 1969. He then retired from NASA and the airforce in 1972.
  • In 2002, Aldrin punched Apollo denier Bart SibrelW in the jaw after the latter constantly harassed him via poking him with a bible and demanding he swear on it.
  • It is unknown if Buzz Aldrin flew on Gemini 12 in the show's timeline as well.

See also[]

External links[]


  1. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 1, Episode 1: "Red Moon"
  2. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 1, Episode 2: "He Built the Saturn V"
  3. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 1, Episode 8: "Rupture"