How strict do you follow the guidelines and why?
I'm trying to run a wiki of my own but my thread mods are inexperienced and I just want more takes from others.
I dislike using requests for people to apply for a position in a well-built wiki, if the wiki just started out I would usually just handpick or accept the message wall requests.
I usually have interviews with potential staff on Discord/Magma to see past experience, maturity, and how chronically online they are. Mod apps are also an option that I use commonly alongside the interviews.
The one thing this can't fix sadly is bias, I have to either be stricter or be even more picky with mods.
Thanks, I'll make sure I and the other staff read up on this.
How strict do you follow the guidelines and why?
I'm trying to run a wiki of my own but my thread mods are inexperienced and I just want more takes from others.