No, images uploaded to Fandom do not preserve geotags or location data. When images are uploaded, any metadata, including geolocation tags, is stripped for privacy and performance reasons.
Please give a link.
And you can block all adds for yourself with AdBlock, which just is a Fandom thing that removes all adds from Fandom pages.
And honestly it's truly not terrible if you can't regain access. Just make a new account with a similar name, and then on your bio link your old account and explain that this is your new one. Then you can inform people you know/edit your old profile pages. It can be a bit of a pain, but if Fandom can't reconnect you to your account it's not the end of everything.
There is no way to "join" a Wiki, like you would a discord server. Hence there is no "join link." People can join your Wiki just by starting to contribute. If you want to share your Wiki, just share the URL of the Wiki.
You can use this script.
Honestly I don't really know what you're talking about, can you rephrase?
I still have absolutely no idea what you need help with. Please try to explain so I can help you.
Honestly I don't really know what you're talking about, can you rephrase? Also, we'll need links to the Wiki you're doing this on as well as a link to an example of what you're trying to accomplish (if such an example exists).
Yes, taking info from other websites is always fine. However, you should always change the wording to be distinctly yours. Not only is it a copyright violation (in most cases), but it also makes your Wiki less likely to come up in search results; if you just copy. You should probably also site your sources somewhere on the article, like the infobox or bottom of the page.
Also how do you do the thing where you quote a message on wiki or just write something in general and the text is in a box a different color and the text itself is a old different font?
Really important you state if this is for discussions or articles. And like the above reply stated, a link is also needed.
Sounds like you've bypassed the cache, have you cleared it yet? Sometimes that fixes all kinds of issues.
Out of curiosity, have you bypassed or cleared your browser cache? The new code my not show if you haven't.
Or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ofc! Btw, if you would please revert your post back to how it was that'd be awesome - this just makes it so it ranks in search results, and can help others with the same question.
Hey, you can use Special:UserRights to change anyone's user rights. See Help:User Rights for more info.
To clarify, Wikis can totally have off topic discussions. But if the Wiki is mostly about discussions, and not the Wiki side of things, that is not allowed.
No. Chatroom wikis are not allowed. Report them to Fandom here. See: Community Creation Policy.
It doesn't matter how many people reply, you can have none or 100. What matters is if they vote yes or no. If the vast majority vote yes, then it will count, if most say no, then your request probably won't be accepted.
If a user is promoted to staff, the log will only be shown on CC. The user right masthead tag sometimes takes a long while to be added/removed (in the case of a demotion), especially when the right is global. You can always look at Special:UserRights to see an up-to-date list of all rights for any user. The right will take effect immediately, though.