Glad to hep
I think the user has missed or ignored the alert
Sorry for the very late reply I've been taking a break;
The problem is you have forgotten the semi-colon after the ")" in the 17th line of CSS codes in MediaWiki:Common.css
You must be an administrator and add the codes below on
For a solid text
a[href$=":GlitchFang"], a[href$="/GlitchFang"] {
color: red !important;
For a gradient:
a[href$=":GlitchFang"], a[href$="/GlitchFang"] {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, purple, lavender);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
You can also make it move
a[href$=":GlitchFang"], a[href$="/GlitchFang"] {
background-size: 400%;
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, Purple, lavender, Purple, lavender);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
-webkit-animation: gradientName 10s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 0.99) infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes gradientName {
0%{background-position:0% 50%}
50%{background-position:100% 50%}
100%{background-position:0% 50%}
In you have added "dwv:ProfileTags.js", it's not "dwv" it's "dev"
Sorry for the late reply I've been away.
Can you provide a link to the page you tried the infobox?
Can they edit page on CC? How about other wikis?
You can do that only if you're a sysop or higher, if you're not you must ask an admin to do the actions below:
Use the WikiText below:
<div class="darkOnly" style="display: none;"> means this thing only shows in dark mode </div>
<div class="lightOnly" style="display: none;"> means this thing only shows in light mode </div>
<div class="themeBased"> TEXT EXAMPLE </div>
And then insert the code below in MediaWiki:Common.css
.theme-fandomdesktop-light .lightOnly{
display: inline-block !important;
.theme-fandomdesktop-dark .darkOnly{
display: inline-block !important;
.theme-fandomdesktop-dark .themeBased{
color: #6FDB0A;
.theme-fandomdesktop-light .themeBased{
color: #9024f5;
I'm not a judge for the harassment :)
As it seems, it's a server-side issue. I, too, have this problem on all of the wikis.
No error log is available, so you can report this as a bug to
Perhaps could you provide a link to the wiki?
By the way, if you can't see the logs in 2006, they might be hidden by Fandom Staff
So please provide a link to the wiki
I have heard that you must ask to enable JS
What filter is this?
You must provide a link to the page;
What colour is the background?
Pavlova, #d8c796
It must have been a client-side issue and you must have had a bad internet connection or something;
Perhaps refreshing the page helps?
For the record Contact Fandom via
"Ctrl" + "+" would fix it
Are you sure you can't post anything with it on CC
Andrewds, I think they might want to point out that they tried reducing the images, although GIFs are pretty large and even those less than 600px could be large enough, it's best to share and upload your file here in the discussions and we'll check it
For hyperlinking categories, insert a ":" before the "Category"