Basically, I can change the background of the image, but the aspect ratio cannot be changed. Over the image, will be text that can be changed.
Example of how it would work:
Thank you!
Basically, I can change the background of the image, but the aspect ratio cannot be changed. Over the image, will be text that can be changed.
Example of how it would work:
It worked! Thank you very much
I added an article that has the "*" symbol on it (BEAR*), and it results in creating a drop-down under the Alpha article, which I don't want.
Is there anyway to make the BEAR* article be listed in the Games drop-down, rather than create an Alpha drop-down?
Basically like the image would look like this by default:
And the image overlay will be this:
And the results I am looking for would be that when the cursor hovers over the image, it will result in this:
It works now! Thank you very much for the help, I appreciate it. 👍
Forgot to include, I tested the template in this article, where the text is highlighted.,Easter,-is%20a%20rarity
Here is the link to the wiki:
The template:
And the CSS:
Hello, when I tried inputting the CSS, it didn't work, and it messed up the fonts in the wiki according to one of the bureaucrats. However for the template, it does work.
This is what I kind of have in mind.
Basically instead of typing a word so an icon on the top corner of an article. You type in a word in the template so colored text appears in the article (with the color of the text being different in light and dark mode).
I don't know if I explained it well, so if you are confused, you can ask me to specify a bit more.
I saw some wikis that had posters older than a month automatically locked, instead of admins manually locking the posts. I was wondering if there was a script for .CSS that could be added to make this happen. By the way, I am not talking about article comments.
Alright, thank you!
I need help trying to figure it out.
Alright! Thank you for your help, I greatly appreciate it!
How to I make link text change when I hover my cursor over them/click on them?
Edit, as an example of what I mean:
@TheWWRNerdGuy Thank you!
What script do I add in my .css to change a link color from yellow, to green when my cursor hovers over it?
And how do I make profiles in my wiki look like this?
Screenshot from the BEAR ALT wiki.