Hello! A few years back, I created the 'Fake Plane Crash Wiki', an extension of the 'Plane Crash Wiki', which I was working on with others, as people began to add fake crashes to the Wiki. This morning, I discovered that the Wiki had been closed with no warning, despite being the creator and administrator of the Wiki. The Wiki still had activity, with new pages being created recently, and yet it was shut down. I cannot think of a reason of why the wiki was closed, and more importantly I was never given a reason. My best explanation is that a bot thought it was similar to the "Virtual Aviation Accidents Wiki", which to be fair it is, and shut it down. The only issue is all pages on the FPCW were unique, and not on the VAAW (there may have been one or two instances of plagiarism since I last checked on it, but still).
Is there any way to recover the pages on the Wiki, or to start it back up? I know there is a downloadable file, but my computer doesn't seem to be able to open it. Any help or experiences would be appreciated.