Hello! My name is Sea Pendant, named after an item in my wiki, The EarthBound Wiki. In case you didn't know, EarthBound is an iconic video game that has forever popularized the JRPG genre, inspiring the likes of Super Pario Mario, Yume Nikki, Undertale, etc. What makes EarthBound stand out from other games is how unconventional it is. It pokes fun of itself and breaks the fourth wall constantly, making the player themselves feel like they are part of the story. I quickly became interested in EarthBound a number of years ago because of this. Since then, I have edited thousands of articles on the wiki pertaining to the contents, from food items, to enemies, to infamous main antagonists.
If you love chimeras or are interested in the bionic genre, then EarthBound is the right place for you! My goal is to have a dedicated page for every enemy, item, and PSI. What is PSI you may ask? It stands for parapsychological psychic phenomena! That's right! There is also a magic system in EarthBound! A few gifted characters in the game possess this great power, and it quickly becomes a staple of the Mother genre. You see, EarthBound is not just a standalone game. It is actually a sequel to EarthBound Beginnings, taking inspiration from many of its elements and making all of them better. EarthBound also has it's own sequel, Mother 3, and it is currently the latest in the trilogy. If you are looking for more content, you can find it in those games as well, not just EarthBound! That doesn't change the fact that EarthBound is the most popular in the series! We have over a thousand pages on everything you need to know!
If I managed to pique your interest, then dive right in into the EarthBound Wiki today! Your first contribution can start with anything, such as Giygas, the Starman, or the item I'm named after; Sea Pendant! Make sure you play the game first though, this Wiki is full of spoilers!