How do you insert an infobox without that annoying gap.
Example: Gap between title and paragraph(don't want that)
How do you insert an infobox without that annoying gap.
Example: Gap between title and paragraph(don't want that)
Apply this solution to your infobox (ignore the number of the lines, look for the tags).
And please, the next time follow the guidelines, and provide a link to the page you're talking about.
Thanks :)
So the code you suggested was already in the infobox, and it still leaves a space, could you look it over and see what I did wrong.
Please, read the reply again and apply the comment tags in the template code, as specified in my reply. These are the comment tags:
Please, avoid off topic replies. We're not interested in your philosophical dilemmas.
You are a god send, thanks for putting up with my 2 brain cells :P
This thread is missing any explanation. We should explain users why something does not work and why it has to be done otherwise, or they will not know what the real problem was and run into it again next time.
The problem here is/was, that everything between <includeonly> ... </includeonly> is part of the template and transcluded to your page. When you do
there is a line break at the beginning above the infobox that is included in the template, and anotherone at the end.
Therefore, when using includeonly-tags, they have always to wrap the template without any extra line breaks, or it will lead to problems like seen here.
So the correct way is
Now it's possible to use these html comment tags to add some fake line breaks, however I really don't see any benefit in doing so. Actually, I think it's more confusing than helpful.
@Ocorpse: Reported.
why are you so obsessed, if you dont like me then dont talk to me, simple.
Oot42 wrote:
The problem here is/was, that everything between <includeonly> ... </includeonly> is part of the template and transcluded to your page.
Minor correction: everything outside the <noinclude> tag is part of the template and transcluded to the article. (You were probably thinking about the <onlyinclude> tags when you wrote that.)
The difference then is that the break between </includeonly> and <noinclude> also has the potential to create undesired spaces. So the final part should be:
If you don’t intended to provide support then don’t reply to the post, it’s that simple 0Corpse. Additionally I find it especially ironic that you know exactly what this wiki is for having made 3 posts of your own (A couple of them being about small things like this too), yet once you see someone else being ‘Picky and choosy’ about something that you yourself perceive as but a relatively small thing you complain!
OCorpse, it is a waste of time complaining on a Wiki Fandom post rather then actually going out and helping people, it was entirely unnecessary to post on here and was merely a disruption. The issue has been solved, stop yapping.