Hello, this is my first time writing anything like this, so I apologize if this post lacks context. I'll try to provide more of it once there is a request to do so.
I'm one of the staff members of the Lunime wiki. Recently, I've created a page about a character named NULL. However, after I saved the page, the wiki header image changed to an infinite symbol icon. This doesn't happen to any other pages, except that one.
After further investigation, it was found that the header image comes from a different wiki. The Backrooms wiki, to be more specific. It is added through a .fandom-community-header__image::before tag, which doesn't exist in our wiki's Common.css
.page-Null .fandom-community-header__image::before {
background:url(https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/backrooms/images/7/77/379-logo.png) no-repeat;
Since the image comes from the Backrooms Wiki, it is also featured in the wiki's page titled 'Null'.
Is there a way to fix this issue? It really bothers us, since NULL is one of the top searched characters on the Lunime wiki. Thanks in advance.