I have an issue with the blog listing feature.
I am an admin at a group of three wikis. These wikis are in English, German and Japanese.
For the English and German wikis, the blog listing feature works fine and displays posts as it should. When I'm on the Japanese wiki, though, the programming has an issue and I can't create the default blog listing called "ブログ:最近の投稿" (translates as "Blog:Recent Posts").
I want to create it, so I can turn it into a redirect, redirecting it to the actual, functioning version, which is called "ブログ:Recent posts".
When I try to create or edit "ブログ:最近の投稿", the wiki sends me to the "Create a new blog listing page" and gives me the following error:
Blog listing tag not recognized on page: ブログ:最近の投稿
I don't know, why this happens, but I assume, its because of the Furigana and Kanji (Japanese writing). It shouldn't really be an issue, because the Japanese wiki is obviously made with Japanese writing in mind and normally supports pages with Furigana and Kanji names, but for this one case, it doesn't work.
I don't even know, if I'm right here, or if I should ask over at the Japanese Community Central's forums, as this seems to be a technical thing.